An oil on canvas representing a beekeeper working on the honey frames. Oil on canvas. Painted in 2023. Winner of the IBRA first art competition.
The beekeper. 60x40cm Oil on canvas

IBRA 1st Art Competition Winner

The International Bee Research Association (IBRA) promotes the value of bees by providing information on bee science and beekeeping worldwide.

2022  Micamera writing on Frohnau exhibition 
Linocut on acrylic. Firs Spree´s serie.

“Micamera’s gallery consists of two medium-sized walls. We imagine them as vertical pages, spaces of dialogue with and among the authors. But always in relation to the books and the larger cultural frame — as well as the social and political situation — in which we are immersed. […] This is not the first time Micamera has mixed languages:[…] In March, Micamera will host its first exhibition of paintings. The artist is Lupe Ficara[…]” read more

2019 An interview by Valentina Andreoli
Original soundtrack by Neysatu.
Realized in November 2019 in Milan during the exhibition at Cascina Nuovo Armenia.
2022  An article by Louise Helsloot
Cin Bridge. 2022. Oil on canvas

“I like to end this newsletter with another artist, Italian painter Lupe Ficara (Milano, 1968). She worked in France untill 2017; nowadays she lives and works in Berlin. As a frequent visitor of Rocchetta Nervina, she elected it as: the most beautiful village of the area. Her work entitled: Cin Bridge depicts her impression of the Ponte Cin.

From Liguria Letters of M. Louise V. Helsoot

Read full article here

2022  The Prima la Riviera about the Atelier Pop Up sketch mob.
Flyer of the first sketchmob in Dolceacqua, organised  by Lupe Ficara for Atelier Pop Up. 
Special guest Aurelie Roux.
Flyer of the first sketchmob.

“Ecco […] spiegato l’evento da Lupe Ficara:”Sketching Dolceacqua!
Sabato 3 settembre
Venite a disegnare con noi i “carruggi” ! Disegnamo insieme il meraviglioso borgo, le strade, il ponte.

From : PrimaLaRiviera

2019 An interview by Massimo Cislaghi
La torre Carlo Erba a Milano. 2019

“L’artista di cui desidero parlare in questo articolo è Lupe Ficara. La sua proposta artistica si iscrive a pieno titolo nella prospettiva liminoide. […] tramite un’espressione culturale, l’arte pittorica, che conserva un’intramontabile forza esplicativa, pre-concettuale, rivolta a chiunque e per questo di un certo rilievo nell’economia del nostro ragionamento.”

Il fascino nascosto | La forza della mimesi positiva : Parte I —- Parte II
di Massimo Cislaghi – Gruppo studi Girard

2007 Press Review of Cineffable Film festival 
An abstract painting representing Tokyo city. 
Acrylic on wooden board. 
Private collection.
Tokyo-ga. 2005

“The project is called: The Tribunal of Performing Sentences. This installation consists of a visual installation capable of rendering the feeling of “being looked at”, [….] The intention of this performance is obviously to represent the more or less violent and invasive influence of sentences, comments and expressions that form, become and change the meaning and perception of gender in the everyday life of everyone. […]” En mezzanine and Performance